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  • New Zealand & Pacific Islands


Corporate Head Office

Built Environs 

Level 12, 99 Gawler Place
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

PO Box 7109, Hutt Street 
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Telephone:  +61 8 8232 1882

General Email:

Accounts Payable:


Recruitment queries and job applications please visit our Careers Site or contact the respective regional office.

Australian Offices

South Australia

Level 12, 99 Gawler Place
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

PO Box 7109, Hutt Street 
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Telephone:  +61 8 8232 1882

SA Builder’s Licence No. BLD 11032


Level 10, 480 Swan St
Richmond, Victoria 3121

PO Box 5049, Burnley
Victoria 3121

Telephone: +61 3 9816 2400

VIC Builder’s Licence No. CCB-U 67518

Western Australia

Level 16, 256 Adelaide Terrace
Perth, Western Australia 6000

GPO Box 2503, St Georges Terrace
Perth, Western Australia 6831

Telephone: +61 8 9315 4440

New Zealand Offices


Building B, Level 3, 600 Great South Road
Ellerslie, Auckland 1051

PO Box 2758, Shortland Street
Auckland 1140

Telephone: +64 9 573 5891



Unit 7a, 4-6 O’Briens Road, Sockburn
Christchurch 8042

PO Box 16883, Hornby
Christchurch 8441

Telephone: +64 3 341 1074 


Associated Businesses

McConnell Dowell

Level 10, 480 Swan Street
Burnley, Victoria 3121, 

Telephone: +61 3 9816 2400

General Email: