Haileybury Brighton


Brighton, Victoria


Construct Only


Haileybury Brighton


14 months

State-of-the-art facilities for Haileybury's senior students

The major upgrade of Haileybury Brighton’s Senior School Year 9 Building has provided state-of-the-art facilities for senior students and further enhances the college’s reputation as one of Melbourne’s top private schools.

The project includes a 3-storey learning and teaching building, landscaped courtyard, and upgrades to the substation and electrical infrastructure.

Our team took extensive measures to minimise noise and disruption for local residents, such as acoustic barriers, muffling of machinery and equipment, and managing site deliveries and traffic.

The result is a top-notch space for Haileybury’s senior students.

Haileybury Brighton

Fast Facts:

  • 2,640 m2 of additional teaching, learning, and breakout spaces delivered
  • Three-storey learning and teaching building
  • 600 m2 courtyard with hard and soft landscaping
  • All works were carried out within the operational school environment
Haileybury Brighton