Colour Palette
Green white and black, these are our brand colours that form a strong visual association with the McConnell Dowell brand.
Consistent use of colour is vital in building a strong and easily recognisable Built Environs brand.
Hero Green
Our hero colour is at the heart of our visual identity. It’s our signature colour that identifies Built Environs. Hero green is the same colour as the green of McConnell Dowell. It’s in our logo and where appropriate may be used in large blocks as a background colour.
White is used in our logo and in large blocks as a background colour. Type set as white when reverse on an image or coloured background.
Black is used on our ‘Blackout’ type style and for setting other typography. We use a rich shade of black which is darker than standard. Black makes our greens look brighter. Don’t use black in large blocks or as a background colour.
Mid & Light Green
Mid and light green are spirited colours used in our cityscape patterns. They may also be used for graphs, infographics and data visualisation. Don’t use mid and light green in large blocks or as background colours.

Colour Reproduction
It’s important that our brand colours are reproduced accurately. Colours change dramatically between screen and print. This is particularly noticeable in the mid and light green cityscapes.
Always use the specified PMS, CMYK and RGB values for each colour.
Each value has been specifically calibrated for that particular display environment. These values enable accurate reproduction of all colours in print and digital scenarios.

Makes colours for screen from Red Green and Blue.

Makes colours for print from a mix of Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black inks.

Pantone PMS
Matches the exact colour specified from one single printing ink. Also used to reference paint colours and vinyl for signs.
When to use which value
Use RGB values when displaying colours on screen for websites, PowerPoint and other on screen or digital environments.
Use CMYK values for four colour process, offset, short-run, digital or laser printing.
Use PMS (spot) values for offset printing or signage.

RGB: 46/158/70
HEX: #2e9e46
CMYK: 75/0/95/15
PMS: Pantone 7740

RGB: 255/255/255
HEX: #ffffff
CMYK: 0/0/0/0

RGB: 255/255/255
HEX: #ffffff
CMYK: 0/0/0/0

RGB: 62/224/0
HEX: #3ee000
CMYK: 72/0/100/0
PMS: Pantone 802 C

RGB: 168/255/23
HEX: #a8ff17
CMYK: 34/0/91/0
PMS: Pantone 381 C
Colours for Information Graphics
Tints from of our brand colours can be used for colouring information graphics.
The examples here demonstrate:
- Permitted colours and tints
- The sequence of our brand colour tints
- Relative importance of colours in sequence

Adjust Colours for Output
Colours change dramatically between screen and print outcomes. This is particularly noticeable in the mid to light greens of the Cityscape graphics.
To ensure vibrant colours it’s important to always:
- Use the right colour swatches for the intended output
- Update logo links
- Update cityscape links
