Ocean Keys Shopping Centre Expansion
Clarkson, Western Australia
Construct Only
AMP Royal Randwick Pty Ltd
20 months
A significant redevelopment expands Ocean Keys Shopping Centre by 65%
Built Environs redeveloped the Ocean Keys Shopping Centre, located in the Perth suburb of Clarkson, to a total site footprint of 44,000 m2.
This included the construction of a new Target store, 48 new specialty shops, a food court, multi-level car park, 10 residential apartments and reconfiguring and refurbishing existing malls and 37 specialty shops. Major road intersections and roadways were also added, as well as landscaping works to the entire site.
The Built Environs project team successfully managed the works across multiple stages, preventing trade disruption for existing retailers and minimising inconvenience for centre patrons, within a tight procurement timeline. The end result of this project saw the Ocean Keys Shopping Centre grow to 65 per cent larger, with a total floor space of more than 37,000 m2, helping to meet the customer’s mission of creating inspiring shopping centre experiences.
Fast Facts:
- 44,000 m2 total site footprint
- 70+ speciality shops
- 10 residental apartments
- 1,500+ car parks