Bulleen Park Sports Upgrade


Bulleen, Victoria


Design and Construct


Development Victoria


28 months

A game-changing upgrade to enhance community sports facilities and support local clubs

The Bulleen Park Sports Upgrade project will significantly transform local sporting facilities and spaces to cater for the needs of the wider community in Melbourne’s northeast.

The upgrades to the football (AFL) and cricket facilities include:

  • Two brand new pavilions
  • Three realigned and upgraded sports ovals
  • Improved sports field lighting, cricket nets, and fencing
  • Fresh tree plantings and new vegetation
  • Upgraded playground equipment and park amenities


The project aims to improve pedestrian connectivity between the new main carpark and pavilions, featuring pedestrian lighting, and will also include reconfigured car parking.

Built Environs has been announced as the project’s head contractor, working alongside architectural firm, Williams Ross, to complete the design.

Development Victoria is leading the delivery of this North East Link funded project, and is working closely with North East Link and Manningham Council to keep the local sport clubs operating during construction and inform the local sporting community.

Construction is scheduled to commence in mid-2025 and will be staged to ensure that current users of the existing ovals 2 and 3 maintain access throughout the construction period. The upgrade is expected to be completed in 2028.

Fast Facts:

  • Major community upgrade to AFL and cricket facilities
  • Two new replacement pavilions
  • Three existing sports ovals realigned and redeveloped
  • Sports field lighting, cricket nets, and fencing upgrades
  • Playground and park amenity upgrades