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Te Whare Wai Para Nuku – Moa Point Sludge Minimisation Facility

Te Whare Wai Para Nuku – Moa Point Sludge Minimisation Facility Location: Wellington, New Zealand Contract: Construct Only Customer: Wellington City Council Duration: 24 months Reducing waste and carbon emissions – contributing to a greener, healthier city Built Environs is leading the construction of the main process building for the McConnell Dowell and HEB Construction […]

Auckland Airport – Western Terminal Integration Stage 1

Auckland Airport Western Terminal Integration Stage

Auckland Airport – Western Terminal Integration Stage 1 Location: Auckland, New Zealand Contract: Construct Only Customer: Auckland International Airport Limited Duration: 23 months Transforming Auckland Airport’s terminal for the future We are currently leading Work Package 2 of the Western Terminal Integration Project at Auckland International Airport, a key element of the overall Terminal Integration […]

Narre Warren Station

Narre Warren Station

Narre Warren Station Location: Narre Warren, Victoria Contract: Alliance Customer: Level Crossing Removal Project Duration: 9 months Innovative construction with elevated platforms As part of Western Project Alliance’s Webb St Level Crossing Removal Project, Built Environs constructed a new premium railway station at Narre Warren, including elevated platforms to suit the raised track viaduct.  Access […]

Auckland Airport – East Airfield Building Relocation

Auckland Airport - East Airfield Building Relocation

Auckland Airport – East Airfield Building Relocation Location: Auckland, New Zealand Contract: Construct Only Customer: Auckland International Airport Limited Duration: 7 months Working together to build a better future for travellers at Auckland Airport Built Environs and McConnell Dowell, in a joint venture, successfully delivered the East Airfield Building Relocation Project for Auckland International Airport. […]

Deer Park Station

Deer-Park Train Station

Deer Park Station Location: Deer Park, Victoria Contract: Alliance Customer: Level Crossing Removal Project Duration: 18 months Delivering a state-of-the-art railway station Deer Park Station project is part of Victoria’s Big Build. Working with McConnell Dowell and the Level Crossing Removal Project, the station features a pedestrian connection linking the north and south sides of […]

Otahuhu Logistics Estate

Otahuhu Logistics Estate

Otahuhu Logistics Estate Location: Auckland, New Zealand Contract: Design and Construct Customer: Logos-GIC Joint Venture Duration: 19 months Otahuhu logistics precinct expands warehouse facilities Built Environs has successfully designed and constructed three new warehouse facilities, office space and mixed pavement areas at the Otahuhu Logistics Estate in New Zealand’s industrial heartland. The Otahuhu estate benefits […]

Golden Grove Park ‘n’ Ride

Golden Grove Park 'n' Ride

Golden Grove Park ‘n’ Ride Location: Golden Grove, South Australia Contract: Design and Construct (Alliance) Customer: Public Transport Program Alliance / Department of Infrastructure and Transport Duration: 12 months Making public transport easier for commuters in Adelaide’s north-east Located in Adelaide’s north-east, the Golden Grove Park n Ride project aimed to meet demand (existing and […]

Gold Coast Light Rail project

Gold Coast Light Rail project Location: Gold Coast, Queensland Contract: Public Private Partnership Customer: Queensland Government Duration: 30 months Ambitious, city-changing infrastructure integrating new and existing transport systems Built Environs worked on the construction of building components of the Gold Coast Light Rail, a 13-kilometre railway between Queensland’s Griffith University, Southport and Broadbeach. This project […]

Adelaide Desalination Plant

Adelaide Desalination Plant

Adelaide Desalination Plant Location: Port Stanvac, South Australia Contract: Alliance Customer: South Australian Water Duration: 41 months Safeguarding Adelaide’s urban water supplies Built Environs played a key part in the planning and delivery of the building works, working with the design process team to install the pipework and plant, liaising with numerous local and international […]

ASC Outfit Support Towers and Blast and Paint Facility

ASC Outfit Support Towers and Blast and Paint Facility

ASC Outfit Support Towers and Blast and Paint Facility Location: Osborne, South Australia Contract: Construct Only Customer: ASC AWD Shipbuilder Pty Ltd and ASC Engineering Pty Ltd Duration: 10 months Providing infrastructure to support the Air Warfare Destroyer project  Built Environs was contracted to build two six-storey steel structures to support shipbuilder ASC in constructing […]